Menakhem Shtelung - Preface | 5 |
A. The History of the Town; General Memoirs; and Descriptions | |
D. Shtokfish - The Ancestry of Vishkuv | 11 |
Menakhem Kaspi (Sarbarnik) - Memories of Vishkuv | 14 |
Max Tchekhanov - The Town During the Years 1892-1913 | 22 |
Beharov -
30 Years of Community Life [need to combine 3 files)
The Organized Community; The Yeshiva, Synagogues, Study Places, and Prayer Quorums Synagogues (continued); The Last Rabbi's of Vishkov |
30 32 |
Mordkhe V. Bernshteyn - Bloody "Games" of the Polacks in the year 1920 | 33 |
Y. Mitelsbakh - Polish-Bolshevik Terror in 1920 | 39 |
Liber Viigoda - A Memoir of "That Year" | 40 |
Yisroel Granat - Vishkever Nurturing | 41 |
M. Rabin - Vishkuv During Bad Times and Good | 43 |
Baranek - Pictures of the Town | 48 |
Yekhiel Bzhoza - Romantically; Socially; Ideally | 50 |
Khaim Loyn - A Bunch of Memories of Those Days | 51 |
Moyshe Stolik - Memories of the Old Town | 52 |
A. Pat - A Vishkever Melody | 53 |
Yitskhok Markuskhamer - The Vishkever Band; Dalekes [Not sure if this is the name of the band] | 55 |
Moystie Farbshteyn - A Day in the Town | 57 |
Shmuel Nyestenpover - Memories of Our Young Years | 59 |
Yankev Palukh - Our Train Station; The Porembo Settlement | 60 |
Yehuda Eylan - Moyshkub on the Kibbutz Dafne | 63 |
B. Political Parties; Societies; Organizations and Institutions | |
Mordkhe Krunenberg - The Founding of the Zionist Organizationin Vishkuv | 69 |
Yisroel Kaluski - The First Pioneer in Town | 69 |
Yankev Shtelung - The Leftist Zionist Organization and its Youth | 73 |
Leah Guldenshteyn - A Few Lines on the
HaTsair" in Vishkuv
[A youth organization; lit. The Young Guardians] |
78 |
Bina Yakubovitch-Tabak - In the HaShomer HaTsair Youth Movement | 80 |
Menakhem Nagl - From the Members of the Orthodox Youth Organization | 81 |
On the Eve of Elections in the Jewish Community in the Year 1931 | 82 |
Paul A. Kramer - The Vishkever Loan Fund in the Year 1931 | 83 |
Y. M. Tsembal - Interest-Free Loan Fund of the Socialist HandworkUnion | 84 |
Borukh Yismakh - Sports Clubs and Self-Defense | 87 |
Sh. Sh. - The Sport Club "Maccabi" | 89 |
Mayer Leyb Holtsman - The Worker's Sports Club "Skala" | 91 |
C. Religious Life | |
Motl Venger - Religious Institutions
and "Shtiblekh"
[A "shtibl" is a place of worship in someones house or storefront; a small adhoc synagogue.] |
95 |
Velvi Alenberg - A Religious Town | 98 |
Fraydl Kaplovitch - My Children are Not Agnostics | 99 |
F. M. R. - The First Proper Kheyder
[A kheyder is a one-room schoolhouse or a school in the rabbi's house.] |
100 |
Khaim Umyal - Memoirs of a Student in
the Yeshiva
"Darkhey Noam"
[Literally: Paths of Pleasantness] |
101 |
Paul A. Kramer - The Yeshiva "Beys Yoysef"' | 101 |
Rabbi Shimon Arye Kheyfits - Jewish Chains | 102 |
Shimon Zikharye Malovantchik - My Memories of the Yeshiva | 102 |
Arye Shtelung - The Keepers of the Shabbos in Town | 104 |
Borukh Yismakh - The Excommunication | 105 |
Y. M. Tsembal - Buried Behind the Fence | 106 |
Elye Y. Brukhansky - Cantorial Singing and Choirs in Vishkuv | 108 |
Yosl Popavski - The Keepers of the Sabbath Were Not Successful | 110 |
D. Personalities; Busnissmen; Figures; and Types | |
Yisroel Gutman - Mordhke Anilbits; Commander of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising-Born in Vishkuv | 115 |
Yekhezkl Rutenberg; Moyshe Sheynfeld - Our Master; Our Teacher; OurRabbi - From Vishkuv-Radzimin | 120 |
Menakhem Shtelung - Reb Khaim Henekh; the Prayer Leader | 121 |
Y. Brukhansky - Reb Khaim Malkhiel; the Cantor | 124 |
Yoysef Zaydenshtat - Yisroel Asman | 124 |
Sh. Ernst - Yisroel Asman's Folk Legends and Folklore | 125 |
Yekhiel Bzhoza - Yisroel Asman in Los Angeles | 127 |
Yitskhok Baharav- -------------------- Vishkever Figures | 127 |
Avigdor Mondry - Henekh Kaluski | 128 |
Shimon Malovantchik - Dr. Laykher | 128 |
Shimon Malovantchik - Reb Motl Broder | 129 |
Shimon Malovantchik - Reb Yanki Dovid Pshetitski | 129 |
Tch. (Khane) Aplboym - Mordkhe Tchekhanov | 129 |
Yerakhmil Vineski - Reb Shimon Bar Yekhezkel Sobrinski | 130 |
Yitskhok Beharov - Moti and Sore Beharov | 131 |
Moyshe Kurnet - Reb Khinekh Kurnet | 132 |
Yitskhok Ben Nakhum Vaisman (Farle) - Grandfather Reb Yisroel-Yitskhokand Grandmother Freyde-Farle | 132 |
H. Mushkat - In Memory of My Father; Simkhe Mushkat | 133 |
Pnina Musberg -Tsvike Musberg | 134 |
Zev Holand | 136 |
Khane and Borukh-Dovid Tenenboym - Avraham Tenenboym | 136 |
Yitkhok Zemir | 137 |
Yitskhok Markuskhamer - Their Memories Must Be Forever | 137 |
Henda the Katzfke p139 Yisroel Asman - Hershl the Water Carrier | 141 |
Yisroel Asman - Hershele Kuriap | 143 |
Motl Vegner- My Teachers | 145 |
H. Mushkat -The Blind Rabbi | 147 |
M. Rabin - Ayzikl; the Teacher | 148 |
Yankev Mitlsbakh - Vishkever Figures | 149 |
M. Rabin -The Language of Truth | 153 |
Yekhiel Bzhoza -The Two Mutes | 155 |
Yosl Popovski - The Rural Doctor Malovantchik | 156 |
M. Federgrin - Reb Sholom Refoylkes (Mikhalkes) | 157 |
The Second Part - The Destruction of Vishkuv | |
Binem Heler - In the Vishkuv Forest (need to check this link) | 161 |
Menakhem Kaspi (Sarbernik) - To Remind and to Remember | 162 |
Gurni - The
First Air-Raid of Vishkuv
[In the original; this name is listed differently than the others --last name first; in error I think.] |
163 |
Motl Venger - In the First Days of the Destruction | 164 |
Naftali Kartmer - Air-Raid of September 1939 | 166 |
Leybl Popavski - "Black Friday" | 167 |
Kh. A. - The Nazi Murderers in Town | 169 |
Tsvi Yankev Gemora - Vishkuv in Flames | 169 |
Leml Rubin - Struggling with Death | 170 |
Khane Srebro - In the Years of Misfortune and Anguish [page 181 only] | 177 |
Leah Director (Lerman) - Hitler's Murder of Children | 185 |
Fanye Herts - My Experiences During the Occupation | 188 |
Fayvl Fular - In the Forest with the Partisans | 191 |
The Last Request of a Martyr | 193 |
The Polacks Helped to Kill the Jews of Vishkuv | 193 |
Velvi Olenberg - We Succeeded in Escaping | 194 |
Partisans and Ghetto Fighters in the Forest of Vishkuv | 194 |
Yitskhok Baharav - With My Wandering Staff in Hand | 196 |
Dr. Khaim Shoshkes - Dead Shadows Walk in the Marketplace | 200 |
Rabbi Bronshteyn Visits Vishkuvin 1961 | 201 |
Part Three - Vishkevers in Israel and in the World | |
Moyshe Farbshteyn - The Beginning in Israel | 205 |
Yerakhmil Vilenski - 15 Years of the Israeli Organization ofPeople Who Came out of Vishkuv | 206 |
Yekhil Burshtin - The Vishkever Society in New York | 221 |
Aaron Benjamin - Vishkevers in New York | 221 |
Avraham Dovid Tef - The Los Angeles Vishkever Society | 227 |
H. Mushkat - Vishkevers in Los Angeles | 228 |
Beitche Tef (Yelin) - Various Activities | 229 |
Arye Shtelung - Vishkuv Union in Argentina and Surrounding Area | 229 |
Y. Leyeles - Y. M. Tsem bal | 236 |
Y. M. Tsembal - Yankev Shtelung | 236 |
Sh. Grata; Kh. Venger - Vishkevers in Uruguay | 237 |
Tch. Apelboym - Vishkevers in Cuba | 238 |
Vishkevers in Germany Request Help | 238 |
Part Four - Yizkor | |
Dr. M. Dvorzhetski | 243 |
Sh. Sholom | 243 |
Yerakhmil Vilenski - Kaddish | 244 |
List of Vishkever Jews Who Died | 245 |
Obituaries | 267 |
New York Obituaries | 269 |
Los Angeles | 287 |
Argentina | 294 |
Uruguay | 300 |
Israel | 303 |
Part Five - Additions | |
Index of Georgaphical Names and Pictures | 337 |
Index of Names | 341 |
Noticed Errata | 351 |
Michael Tobin
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