\n\n Ukraine


My Golditch and Tobin/Turbin family is from Ukraine. Specific places I am researching include Kiev, Boguslav, Skvira, Tarasha, and Peryaslav-Chemeinetsky. All of these shtetls are within a few hundred kilometers of Kiev. In July, 1997, I got a chance to visit most of these shtetls to do some onsite genealogy research and site-seeing.

Kiev Kiev

While in Kiev, I met briefly with Heorge Papakin, director of the Kiev archives. He had not prepared anything for me previously, but I left the names I was interested in. He said to expect to hear from him in about 2 months. (Still waiting...)

I also met with Yulia Zelevna, from the Jewish Preservation Committee of the Ukraine (mailto:jul@jpcu.freenet.kiev.ua). Over the last few years, they have cataloged most of the cemeteries in the Ukraine. If funds hold out, they expect to finish in about a year. She also arranges guides and tours for the Ukraine. Dmitry works with her and he arranges researchers for genealogy projects. I expect to use his services in the future.

Most of the "photography" I did was actually by video camera. I have a board in my PC that digitizes video and I have now created about 400 digital photos from this, including the cemetery pictures and "tourist" sites.

Boguslav Boguslav

I photographed a number of stones (30?) in the cemetery, but there are probably 100-150 and they are very overgrown with brush. A few of the buildings from the Jewish old town still exist. There was at least one old Jew living in the town, but he was not able to meet me that day. Click here for more information on Boguslav.

Skvira Skvira

The old cemetery has been destroyed. The between wars cemetery is in the back and pretty overgrown. The post WW2 cemetery is in the front, has 100-200 stones and is maintained. There are also 3 mass murder sites there marked by memorials. One of the memorials lists the family names of the people who were killed there. The part of the family I'm researching, Golditch, is listed there with 4 family members. Up to this point, I was unaware of any who did not emigrate. I photographed about 20 stones.

Tarasha Tarasha

The old cemetery has been destroyed and about 100 stones remain in the mid-war cemetery. I photographed maybe 15 of them. A few cows and goats from the nearby farm keep the cemetery from being overgrown.

Peryaslav Peryaslav-Chemeinetsky

The old cemetery has been destroyed. The post WW2 cemetery is behind the Christian cemetery with about 75 stones and overgrown, but accessible. There is a mass murder site and memorial there as well. I photographed maybe 20 stones. A few of the building from the Jewish old town exist.

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